Newsam´s Jerry Williams
Frostbite Nansen
Lucky Dexter Of Zamoyski
Zamoyski Challenger
Fairvilla Imperial Claire
Astutus The Spectator
Astutus Sheer Crystal
Dragaren´s Castor
Chatka Felicia
Golway Adventurer

Swedsam´s Lovely Samora

Bobmardon's Kisba Tiko
Segena's Djeba
Sam Sirius Armadillon
Funny Fabric Moulin Rouge
Humoresque Duke of Detroit
Vitkind´s Couronne D´or
Cloudland´s Diviga Don Juan
Newsam´s Florence Nightingale
Astutus Advent Rose With Frostbite
Newsam´s Florence Nightingale
Chatka Krim
Newsam´s Cindy Lauper
Newsam´s Lauren Bacall
Funny Fabric Rainbow Warrior
Aiko Von Meronhlare
Funny Fabric Space Madness
Izabella Scorupco
Vitkind´s Gizzmo
Hedy Lamarr